Background and history
For a number of years, Holme Valley Parish Council worked to regularise the legal position of a number of plots of land which used to be stone quarries but whose supply of stone had been exhausted during the 19th century. Having successfully completed voluntary land registration, efforts were turned to the creation of a new charitable scheme to manage and administer these sites going forward.
The new charity was established on 6 January 2009 and the Parish Council is the sole corporate Trustee. All parish councillors for Holme Valley Parish Council automatically become a member of the Trustee although being a charity, it is a completely independent organisation from the Parish Council and is run entirely separately. A small committee of members are appointed by the Trustee to manage the Land Charity on a day-to-day basis with the aid of a part time secretary who is the only paid officer and works 12 hours a month. All other members are volunteers. The Management Committee meet monthly and make recommendations to the Trustee who meet four times a year. The Annual General Meeting is generally held in the autumn and is open to members of the public.
In 2011 the name of the charity was changed from Holme Valley Parish Council (Graveship of Holme) Land Charity to the shorter name, Holme Valley Land Charity. The Land Charity’s registration number remains the same, 700350.
The Land Charity’s aim is to promote such charitable purposes as the Trustee sees fit, for the general benefit of the residents of the Holme Valley. The Charity has previously distributed funds to organisations within the Holme Valley under a grant scheme which is now closed. Distribution of further reserves will be considered in due course.
The Management Committee’s task is to determine the future of these plots and what actions the Trustee needs to take to maximise benefits to the residents of the Valley.
HVLC Does not have a live grant scheme and is not currently awarding any grants.